Sanitary aspects - Barrel cleaning

Barrel cleaner

I would like to sensitize you to the hygiene and cleanliness such as care that a wooden barrel requires. Only if you – not often – but constantly care for the wooden barrel will you enjoy it for a long time. A new wooden barrel in the distillate coating is quite easy to handle, it leaches out with time, but you have “educated” the barrel by the storage of your distillate and have breathed aroma into it which the burner can make itself by another ripening again as an aroma carrier to use.

Bourbonfass Four Roses 190 l

Usage of pre-filled barrels

Be careful when using used barrels, here it is important to check exactly where the barrels come from, how long they have been emptied, what does the barrel look like inside – think also here of the parallels from real life – not only the outer appearance counts. Pay attention to the microbiology, the absence of sulphur in the pre-filled cask and don’t be afraid to ask the seller for details. After all, what could be worse than to find out after some years of aging that the distillate is now lacking in colour and is basically worthless? Often the second distilling does not help here either.
My advice: Clean barrels from the pre-setting of a low alcohol product (e.g. wine) with a combination of pressure and steam – gently but consistently.

It is still given to you on the way that the burner, brewer or winemaker may not be afraid to create a blend from several wooden barrels. Formerly frowned upon, today it is considered the great art to create your personal creation and signature from several batches that stands out and distinguishes itself from the competing product. I can only encourage you here, nothing tastes worse than an unsuccessful copy. In larger companies the so-called Blendmaster has the key position, he or she decides on the positioning in the market and provides the basis for the accompanying marketing.
Apropos marketing, you have read in my short essay about wooden barrels that we coopers do not only build the barrels today, no we are more consultants and companions as well as tasters to accompany you on your way to your final drink.

That’s it with our barrel series, too. We would be pleased to advise you on all aspects of drums. Write us a mail or give us a call.

Markus Eder
